Sunday, August 28, 2011

Heel Pain from Running

The most common cause of heel pain from running is plantar fasciitis which occurs in the undersurface of the foot. Plantar fasciitis occurs because the plantar fascial ligament is excessively stretched beyond its normal extension point causing small tears of the ligament fibers, especially where the ligament connects to the heel bone. In other words, when your foot over pronates and the arch drops in the running position, the foot is unstable. During the critical time of running, the plantar fascia ligament, which is connected to the heel bone, is over stretched and is torn. This over stretching causes tears and the severe pain and swelling.

The cause of heel pain from running is due to abnormal motion called excessive pronation. Excessive pronation is when too much lowering of the arch occurs. During the long distance running or walking activity, the foot strikes the ground on the heel, then the foot rolls forward toward the ground. If the arch then drops due to abnormal foot biomechanics, then your foot is overpronating. The abnormal motion of the heel and arch often causes the pain, inflammation, and burning sensation under the arch.

TREATMENT for Plantar Fasciitis
Stretching before getting out of bed in am and before activity, including walking
Night splints, worn to bed and during inactivity, ie watching TV, reading, cruising the internet and checking out
Decreasing running and incorporating weight lifting, swimming, biking into routine until heel pain subsides
Wearing Custom Orthotics from Lyon Foot and Ankle Clinic, PC
If severe pain and not resolving, cryoablation may be the best to get you on track again, refer to blig posts below for more info on cryoablation
Plantar Fascial Release is last resort surgical procedure, yet is great procedure for the severe cases of plantar fasciitis.

Questions, schedule an appointment with Dr Esther Lyon, DPM (630) 495-1240.

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